How do you write three hundred thousand in figures - Answers.
The number 31,006,150 written out in words is thirty-one million six thousand one hundred and fifty. Every number has a place value, whether it be a million, a thousand, or just one. The ones place (1) is one step right from the decimal place. The tens place (10) is one step right from there. From then on, the numbers get larger. Next comes the.
Write the number of hundreds, followed by the word hundred, then the rest of the number. 362 is three hundred and sixty two. Zeroes are ignored: 405 is written as four hundred and five. 1000 to 9999 Four digit numbers are written by using thousand. 3476 is three thousand four hundred and seventy six. And 5008 is five thousand and eight.
Place commas correctly and write the numerals: (a) Seventy three lakh seventy five thousand three hundred seven. (b) Nine crore five lakh forty one. (c) Seven crore fifty two lakh twenty one thousand three hundred two. (d) Fifty eight million four hundred twenty three thousand two hundred two. (e) Twenty three lakh thirty thousand ten NCERT Class 6th Mathematics Chapter 1 Knowing our Numbers.
Five hundred, card game for two to six players, devised in 1904 by the United States Playing Card Company. Though later eclipsed by bridge, it still has a substantial American following and has also become the national card game of Australia and New Zealand.Five hundred was devised as a deliberate cross between euchre, with its distinctive “bowers,” and bridge, with its system of bidding.
Writing Numerals Given the Word Name Write each as a numeral. 1) nine hundred 2) three hundred seven 3) seven hundred one 4) five hundred sixty 5) seven hundred 6) nine thousand, two hundred five 7) three thousand, two hundred sixty 8) forty thousand, nine hundred 9) ninety-five thousand 10) two hundred seventeen thousand, sixty-six 11) five hundred thirty million, nine thousand, nine hundred.
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Examples. There are twenty-five people in the room.; He was the fourteenth person to win the award.; Six hundred thousand people were left homeless after the earthquake.; I must have asked you twenty times to be quiet.; He went to Israel for the third time this year.