Current Writings and Musings by Robert Fulghum - Author.
Robert Fulghum's newest book What On Earth Have I Done? Stories, Observations, and Affirmations is a wonderful new collection and an armchair tour of everyday life as seen by Fulghum, one of America's great essayists, a man who has two feet planted firmly on the earth, one eye on the heavens and, at times, a tongue planted firmly in his cheek.
Humiliated by his poverty, Robert’s father never talked about the event. But later Fulghum found out why his dad rang that bell at Christmas. So Robert Fulghum found himself ringing a bell beside a red kettle all because The Salvation Army first helped his family when they were in need. (1).
All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten is a book of short essays by American minister and author Robert Fulghum.It was first published in 1986. The title of the book is taken from the first essay in the volume, in which Fulghum lists lessons normally learned in American kindergarten classrooms and explains how the world would be improved if adults adhered to the same basic rules.
True Love: Stories 1st edition by Fulghum, Robert published by Harpercollins Hardcover I am a huge fan of Robert Fulghum's short essay books, particularly his earliest works, as they make me laugh and have been good medicine. This book is not, strictly speaking, his writing, it is a compilation of stories told to him or written by others to him.
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Buy All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: The Essay That Became a Classic With Special Commentary by Robert Fulghum 1 by Fulghum, Robert (ISBN: 9780394588940) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
The author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Robert Fulghum, at least has lived widely: having been a ranch hand, a folksinger, IBM salesman, professional artist, parish minister, bartender (I almost wrote 'parish bartender' :-)), teacher of drawing and painting, and father. At least for the time when the book was published in 1988 he lived with his wife on a houseboat in.